Solar Youth BLOG
What's new in the world of Solar Youth Stewards, partners and community?
January 23rd, 2018
Solar Jam 2019 – You Don’t Want to Miss This !

Solar Jam is Solar Youth’s annual fundraiser. Even though it’s a fund raiser it’s still all about the youth. You can read about the youth and their progress on poster boards; you can watch videos of the youth taking action in their environment on the big screen but …. you can also meet Solar Youth Alumni! Solar Youth alumni are there to enjoy themselves but also share their successes with you. The past two years have really been exciting with alum, Devon, serving as co-auctioneer. See him here with some guests at Solar Jam 2018.

2018 was our best Solar Jam yet… raising almost $60,000 which went directly to supporting youth programming while providing the opportunity for supporters, like you, to join us in celebrating outcomes that you helped to facilitate - youth graduating and moving on to college and career; youth impacting on our local community through environmental clean ups, education and overall stewardship; and notably, empowering youth to be tomorrow’s leaders.

This year we have even bigger aspirations - but first, we have a big THANK YOU to Griswold Home Care for being our PRESENTING SPONSOR (seen here at Solar Jam 2018)! And, to United Illuminating for being the first to become a Lunar Sponsor. Solar Jam is celebrating its 10th Anniversary and to celebrate we are looking for 10 Galaxy Sponsors ($5,000) to celebrate our 10th Anniversary – we hope you can be part of this elite special team.
But most importantly – COME and have fun! This year we have a special performance from the youth with Thomas Easley, Assistant Dean of Community and Inclusion at Yale School of Forestry and Environment Studies. You won’t want to miss this!
Find out more at:
We hope to see you May 9th 2019 at Kroon Hall – Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies!!!