Partners: We can't do it alone
A big thanks to all the organizations and agencies who have partnered with Solar Youth. Here are just a few examples of our terrific partners:

Dr. Julia Cron and her team at the Yale New Haven hospital Ob/Gyn Residency Program with our Empowerment program during one of their healthy relationships and sexual health workshops.

Youth Educator Interns using gear provided to us through our partnership with the Appalachian Mountain Club’s Youth Opportunities Program (YOP).
108 Monkeys: mindfulness & yoga trainings for adult and youth staff
Appalachian Mountain Club’s Youth Opportunities Program: gear, outdoor training and wilderness accommodations
B&B Transportation: partnership in bus services for our field trips
Broken Arrow Nursery: guided our Green Job Apprentices on plant purchasing
Clifford Beers Clinic: mental health services and staff trainings
Common Ground High School: program space, compost & soil and wonderful neighborliness
Community Mediation: conflict resolution, non-violent communication, & peer mediation training
CT Energy Center: hosted tours for program trips
CT Food Bank: provide meals and snacks for our summer programs
CT Training Solutions: CPR/ First aid certification for our Empowerment program
DEEP Care Fishing Program: ran ice fishing workshop for our Stewards & hosted ice fishing festival at Burr Pond
Friends of Beaver Pond: engaged our program's about Beaver Pond through activities such as hikes, clean ups, and environmental lessons
Health 360: Youth Mental Health First Aid
Housing Authority of Greater New Haven: in-kind office and program space in Westville Manor
Ivy Street Community Garden: hosted program sessions in the garden for our youth about topics such as weeding, composting, and planting
Joe Brummer: non-violent communication training for adult and youth staff
King Robinson Magnet School: program space in Newhallville
Mario Sarro: bike repair workshop for Green Job Apprentices and assisted in youth led community bike repair day
New Haven Dept of Parks, Recreation and Trees: canoe and kayak rentals and local facilities
New Haven Land Trust: facilitating youth engagement in Pond Lily restoration
New Haven Public Schools: host program sites
New Haven Promise: provide youth attending four year universities with scholarships
Prime Climb/Mountain Fun: field trip hosts for our youth that included team building activities and free climb
PTSD Center: trauma training for youth and adult staff, biweekly support for adult staff with youth trauma challenges through Erinn Webb
ServSafe: certified our youth to able to enable them to work in the food industry
Start Community Bank: financial literacy workshops
Takima Robinson: tax workshop for youth staff
WE: workshop on global activism
Yale School of Medicine: ran workshops for our Empowerment program about sexual health and healthy relationships (Dr. Julia Cron, OB/GYN Residency Program)
Youth Development Training & Resource Center: youth development training for new SY staff
Youth Money School: financial literacy workshop for our youth staff